The Four Elements Of Bending Reviews: "The Four Elements Of Bending is a pawesome story blog. It's like a real book and is better than some I have read." -Elizabeth Orr

Friday, June 5, 2015

Chapter 31: The Opposite Meeting

Liberty made her way down the hallway, ignoring the other animals on either side of her. They seemed to stray away from her, giving her looks - they still were wary of her, after what she had done. Good, Liberty told herself. Then I suppose I'm doing a good job. She was supposed to separate her opposite from the rest of the Tower anyway; it had been Ash's orders. And, as he had said to her and others, it was all part of a bigger plan.
She made her way into Ash's den. He had called her in to talk to her. Undoubtedly about how well I've been doing, she thought, a small smirk on her face as she told herself this.
Ash was examining himself in the pool that was in the leaders' den. He looked up upon her arrival. "Ah. Liberty," he said coldly.
"You asked for me?" she asked with a smile.
"Yes..." Ash murmured, and then next thing Liberty knew he was right in front of her, snarling. "What have you done, moron?!"
Liberty flinched slightly, confused. "What do you mean?"
"You know perfectly well what I mean," Ash hissed. "You let yourself be seen."
Her heart skipped a beat in alarm as she realized what he was talking about. "H-How did you--"
"Know that?" he said, scowling. "I have eyes everywhere, Liberty. They saw what they saw."
She thought for a moment before cursing to herself. Sparky. Traitor, she thought to herself. He was also on duty at the time, and nearby where she was. Who else would've told Ash what happened? "I'm...sorry," Liberty said apologetically.
Ash scoffed in the beginning of laughter - a dry laugh that wasn't at all good-hearted. "You think sorry can fix this?" he snarled. "Your opposite saw you. It could jeopardize the whole plan!"
"Then what can I do to fix this?" Liberty asked calmly.
"Nothing," Ash spat. "Nothing, Liberty. Your opposite saw you. And she's much too important to lose."
Liberty nodded, recalling the plan Ash had explained to her and the others so many times. "I know, but maybe you can manipulate her somehow. Turn it in your favor."
"Don't you think I would've if I could find a way?" Ash growled. "You messed this up, Liberty. You're worthless. I should've just left you in Yin!"
A pang of hurt flashed in Liberty - and jealousy. "I-I'm not worthless," she stammered, unable to hide any nerves from her voice.
"Yes you are," Ash snapped.
Liberty was silent, not sure how to respond. "So how...?"
"You have one more chance to prove yourself to me." He then brought his face slightly closer, and it took all of Liberty's will not to flinch away. "And if you don't succeed, you'll be begging me for death."
Liberty hesitantly responded, "but if you harm me, my opposite will also--"
"You don't know everything about opposites," he hissed. "Now--"
Suddenly there was the sound of scampering pawsteps. Ash stiffened, then quickly darted out of the room, and Liberty realized what it meant.
Someone had been eavesdropping. 
There was a yelp and the sound of a mixture of scampering and slamming pawsteps, then Ash was wrestling someone into the room, forcing them onto the floor.
It was a female wolf, that Liberty had recognized as being named Mkia.

Author's Note:
I'll be posting more in the summer, which is coming up soon; last day of school is June 16th. ^-^
Also, my grade and I are going on a field trip to an amusement park on Monday. :3


  1. **kicked back, tossing reese cups into mouth while reading**
    Jumps up suddenly, dumping bucket of reese cups wildly all over floor and applauds

    "Bravo! Bravo! Best. Chapter. Ever!"
    "But when do the Reese cups come in to the scene?"

  2. lucky! You get out of school early, darn

    1. doesn't really feel like that when your friends get out in mid-may lol

  3. Wait, Fake-Ash thought Real-Liberty was Fake-Liberty?

    1. No, this is from Fake-Liberty's POV; she just wouldn't refer to herself as Fake-Liberty

    2. Uh, this is getting confusing, so fake-Liberty knows everything Liberty knows, and has her emotions and tries to save Starlight?


    3. Only this chapter is from Fake-Liberty's POV


Please, no rude comments, or that "magician" is going to return to set your house on fire. Again. Honestly, he has nothing better to do...