The Four Elements Of Bending Reviews: "The Four Elements Of Bending is a pawesome story blog. It's like a real book and is better than some I have read." -Elizabeth Orr

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Chapter 20: Tribe of Awesomeness

The Tribe of Awesomeness must not have gotten prisoners often, because they'd keep debating about how to chain the group up. In the end though, Misty found herself linked to Ophir with the ivy from the nets that'd been used to capture her and her friends. They were arranged in a line, so Misty's tied paws were linked to Lephos's tail in front of her, and Ophir's were linked to Rhett's. Behind Misty and Ophir was Moonshadow and Tiggerpaka.
They didn't bother trying to fight because the Tribe of Awesomeness outnumbered them, and Koro had also said that maybe they could try to reason with the leader for trespassing. But if their leader - Ricochet, Misty heard him being called - was anything like the wolves he lead, they probably would be stuck with this Tribe for a while.
The boys had all gathered around on each side of the group to act as guards and started to escort them back. Misty found herself silently praying to the Peacebenders that no one would fall, because if one animal did they'd all be going down.
"Unhand us, fiends!" Tiggerpaka shouted. Misty looked back to see him struggling to get the ivy off. "I am the great Emperor of the Land! A--"
"Shut up!" hissed Lilypaka from behind Moonshadow.
"Don't tell me what to do, sister! I am a warrior!"
Misty looked at the Tribe boys. They all seemed in conversation among themselves, all wearing excited expressions, and weren't paying much attention to the group. They don't really have to, realized Misty. If we try to get away, we can't; we're tired up. And if we did try, they could easily stop us...
They kept moving through the forest, the Tribe boys still talking to each other, and Misty noticed the animals in her own group murmuring to each other, but also casting wary glances around the area. They all seemed a bit nervous, and Misty was herself, wondering what this Tribe wanted with them.
Misty glanced up at Ophir, who had his eyes fixed on the horizon. She decided to ask the questions that had been prying at her earlier. "Why are you even with us?"
Ophir seemed startled, as if he hadn't been expecting Misty to talk to him. But his startled expression went away almost as fast as it had shown up, and he merely glanced at her before focusing back on whatever he had been looking at before. "I told you, I came from Yin and Yang. And what with the borders having had faded, I ran away. Ended up around that Meerkat Clan, and that's when your friend Campbell found me."
"Why did you run?" Misty asked.
"I lived in Yin," Ophir said. "Me and my whole family. Yin was terrible. Why wouldn't I want to run?"
Misty wasn't convinced. "You had to have had more reason than that."
"Do I?"
Misty sighed but said nothing more. Ophir obviously wasn't going to crack.
"We're here," Misty heard one of the Tribe boys say.
Misty leaned her head to the side to see what was in front of her.
They were out of the forest and were now on the top of a hill. Down below Misty could see two mountains that stretched into the distance, with a large lake running in between them for as far as the eye could see. Down below was a long stretch of grass with a pile of stick in the middle - Misty wasn't sure what it was for - and there were trees on either side of the stretch of grass with wooden steps leading up to dens that were built on the trees under the shelter of the thick leaves. There were more Tribe boys here and there at the camp. It looked like any little boy's dream home.
"Wow," Lephos said.
"Yeah, it's awesome!" exclaimed one of the Tribe boys, the dusty brown wolf Misty had seen earlier. "Best place to live."
"C'mon!" exclaimed the small black wolf boy next to the brown one. "Ricochet's down there somewhere. Maybe in his down den."
They lead the group down the hill, which thankfully wasn't too steep - Misty didn't want to be a part of some kind of falling accident. She looked at the Tribe boys surrounding them, and it appeared as though they were trying not to eagerly rush down the hill to the camp.
The group made it to the bottom of the hill, and the Tribe boys around them all stared in wonder at the prisoners, then murmuring and talking to each other.
"Awesomeness members!" exclaimed the light brown wolf who had been one of the escorts, "we have prisoners!"
They all cheered and Misty heard Campbell grumble, "oh boy", from somewhere nearby.
"We're taking them to Ricochet," the dusty brown explained.
"All of you are going?" frowned a dark brown wolf.
"Only a few of us will escort these guys, Echo," the dusty brown replied. "And I say Ethan and I go." He glanced at the light brown wolf, signifying that had to be Ethan.
There were a lot of protests among the boys.
"You guys do everything!"
"Of course he'd go with Ethan."
"I wanna go!"
The new voice made everyone fall silent and look to a black wolf, who was obviously older than the other Tribe boys. This wolf had yellow eyes with a silver chest and tail-tip, and he studied the scene in silence. Misty glanced around, and noticed everyone seemed to have a respectful gleam in their eyes upon seeing the wolf. That must be Ricochet, she realized.
Ricochet walked forward and examined the prisoners more closely. "Colton. What's this?"
"Prisoners, Ricochet!" responded the dusty brown wolf eagerly. "We caught 'em in our nets!"
"Well, that's better than the usual squirrel or fox," Ricochet commented. "Who are they?"
"We didn't ask," replied Ethan.
"Hmm." Ricochet examined them, his yellow eyes sweeping across as if trying to get in every detail of the group.
"Hello," spoke up Koro. "You're Ricochet, right?"
Ricochet looked at Koro and took a few steps forward so they were eye-to-eye. Despite Koro was a fairly big wolf, Ricochet was a lot bigger, and Misty couldn't help but respect how Koro managed to look back at Ricochet without seeming intimidated. "Yes," Ricochet said.
"I'm Koro," Koro nodded. "Leader of this group."
"I see," Ricochet responded. He turned his back to the group, taking a few steps away from them, then glanced back at them. "What is your group's name?" He fully turned to face them again.
"Name?" echoed Rhett.
"Duh. The name of your group," scoffed Ethan.
"We don't have a group name," said Misty. "We...never decided on one."
Ricochet seemed to ignore Misty, and so did the other Tribe boys, as if she hadn't spoken at all. Misty scowled in annoyance as Ricochet looked to Koro. "Do you have a group name?"
"Like Misty said. We don't," Koro said.
"I see," Ricochet gave a small nod.
"I'll come up with a name!" declared Tiggerpaka. "I say you guys are the Minions of Tiggerpaka!"
"Tiggerpaka, shush," Lilypaka scolded.
"'Minions of Tiggerpaka', huh?" Ricochet said, a small smile appearing on his face.
"No," Lephos insisted. "That's just Tiggerpaka. He's the not-so-sane member of the group."
Tiggerpaka scoffed. "'Not-so-sane'? I am very sane, I assure you! Ever since I defeated that--"
"Quiet," Lilypaka insisted.
Ricochet looked at Koro. "I notice you have some...girls in your group."
At this the Tribe boys gasped and started whispering to each other, and Misty began to feel annoyed at this. What do they have against girls? Misty wondered. Other than the fact that we can kick boys' tails, of course.
"Of course," Koro responded evenly.
"Why is that?" Ricochet asked him.
"They're equals. Without them, this group wouldn't be much," Koro insisted.
"Ah. But as you can see, Koro, our Tribe here doesn't have any girl members, much less do we tolerate them," Ricochet said, scanning the prisoners. "So what shall you do with yours?"
"Yours?" growled Campbell. "What, like we're owned?"
Ricochet glanced at Campbell but said nothing more in response. Whether the Tribe leader had intended it like that or not, Misty wasn't sure.
"Well, we're your prisoners," Koro pointed out. "What's the plan for us?"
Ricochet's eyes narrowed in thought, then he raised his muzzle as if to address everyone in the camp. "Although I am proud of my boys for catching so many of you in those ivy nets of theirs, I don't find any of you rather intimidating or that you may hurt us."
"Hey!" protested Lephos, Tiggerpaka, Campbell and Rhett, and at the same time the Tribe boys shouted "what?!"
"But we went to all that work to haul them here!" protested the small black wolf boy. "Now you're just letting them go?"
"Calm down, Tornado," Ricochet insisted. "I can sense these animals are rather weary. Perhaps they can stay here a while."
"Stay here?" echoed Lephos. "We just got away from the last place..."
"What was the 'last place'?" asked Moonshadow confusedly.
"We're not as strong as we have been," said Koro, addressing the group instead of Ricochet. "After being put in that jail, our strength went down and we got hungrier. If we stay with this Tribe for a while - gain our strength - then we can carry on."
They seemed to consider Koro's words. Personally Misty thought it was a good idea, and she wasn't just going with his words because she liked him.
"That's not too bad an idea," Sidew remarked.
"We'll stay with you guys," Koro nodded at Ricochet. "For a few days."
Ricochet nodded back. "Then my Tribe welcomes you."

Author's Note:
Guess whose birthday it is...?

and i got the day off school bc it's snowing here :D


  1. YAYZ! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You are best author.
    plot twist: Animals in the tribe of awesomeness have crushes on the girls

    *Runs off to draw you a thing*

  3. **rubs paws together** FInally!! A tribe worthy of me!!


Please, no rude comments, or that "magician" is going to return to set your house on fire. Again. Honestly, he has nothing better to do...