The Four Elements Of Bending Reviews: "The Four Elements Of Bending is a pawesome story blog. It's like a real book and is better than some I have read." -Elizabeth Orr

Friday, June 13, 2014

Chapter 43: The Speaker

What Misty had learned from Busara was overwhelming her. She had set Tiggerpaka free and let him stay in the room she and her friends had been given, but she was no longer distracted and had now settled back to thinking on the words from Busara. Was that even truly Busara? Misty wondered. She recalled when the meerkat had talked to her; how she had grown stiff and suddenly forgotten about Misty altogether.
Frustrated and confused, Misty made up her mind. I'll go back to Busara, Misty decided, and try to find out more about all of this.
She got up and headed inside the Meerkat Clan's tree, which Lilypaka had told Misty was named the Home Tree. Misty had been sitting outside the Tree, watching birds and thinking.
Misty climbed up the steps, going through the Council room - where she slipped past Mbili, Tatu and Moja all in a fight - and entered the room that Busara had been in. "Busara? Hello?" Misty called.
No one was there. Not even Berry. She must be outside, with Berry, Misty assumed with a sigh.
She turned to leave, but then heard a voice.
"Approach me, troubled one."
Misty froze and turned around. "Who...?"
The orb Busara had used was beginning to light up with its brilliant colors. "You did not understand my words."
"Busara...?" Misty whispered. Had the meerkat somehow gotten trapped in the orb?
"You fool. I am no meerkat," the voice hissed. It was scratchy, sounded like a female's voice, and spoke rather slowly. "No, I am above Busara. She is merely my servant. I am above you. Above all of you. I am...the Speaker."
"The Speaker?" Misty echoed in confusion.
"Yes," the Speaker replied in its snake-like voice. "I assist the shaman of the Meerkat Clan. I speak through them."
"Oh," was all Misty could manage.
"No one normally understands the messages I give," the Speaker went on. "That is because I give them an opportunity to determine what it means for themselves. But this...this is too important. You must...understand."
Misty felt relief. "Finally," she muttered. She then brought up her voice. "You're telling me the meaning of what Busara told me?"
"Busara didn't tell you that," the Speaker reminded Misty. "I did."
Misty didn't particularly care for that information. "Tell me what it means!" she begged.
"Patience," scolded the Speaker. "The world is in danger."
Misty's eagerness quickly became curiosity - and fear. "W-What?"
"Yin and Yang are fighting," the Speaker continued. "They are what keeps the world in balance. And if one dies...the world goes with it."
Misty's mouth gaped in horror as the Speaker continued. "You and your group of friends, you are all meant to save the world. Keep everyone from dying. Stop Yin and Yang from their quarrel. But there are animals out to destroy you because of this."
"Wh-Why us?" Misty stuttered. "Why not someone else? And can't we head back home first?"
"You cannot go home until you have completed your quest. Forget all about home. This is more important," the Speaker insisted.
"Nothing is more important than my friends back at The Bending Tower," Misty replied evenly.
"Complete your destiny," the Speaker said, not acknowledging Misty's protest. "Head to the Land of Yin and Yang. Save the world...Misty."
The colors disappeared.
Misty took a breath, trying to comprehend what was going on.
Yin and Yang were about to destroy the world. Out of all the animals that could've been chosen, for whatever reason, it was Misty and her friends that were selected. It was their destiny to save the world. But where was the Land of Yin and Yang? How could they do this? And why couldn't the Peacebenders take care of it?
Misty kept wondering about all of this, but suddenly her vision went black.

When Misty's vision returned, she was at a brilliant green forest. Sunlight sparkled through the trees. There were butterflies, birds singing. Everything seemed peaceful.
"Misty," said a deep voice.
Misty turned to see a huge, white winged wolf with a black pattern on his face. "Who are you?" Misty asked.
"I am Majaka," the wolf replied. "First Waterbender, first winged wolf to walk the land, and your ancestor."
"I'm related to you?" Misty said.
"Of course. Does your mother not have wings like me?" Majaka muttered. "Anyway, Ka--er, the Speaker was right. You're supposed to save Yin and Yang."
"Can't the Peacebenders take care of it?" Misty asked. Her father had told her tales of how all the Peacebenders helped him; wouldn't they do the same for Misty?
However, Majaka simply laughed. "Oh, you naive little girl." Misty felt taken aback at this. "Your top enemy, the one who wishes to kill you because of your destiny, stopped the Peacebenders and cut off their power."
"How?" Misty demanded. What animal could be so powerful as to cut off the Peacebenders?
"One of the Father Stones," Majaka replied. "See, there are several afterlifes, depending on what you are. You're part of the Benders. So your afterlife is the Bender Realm, and you can either go to the Peacebenders or Darkbenders. The Tribe of Flying Birds - who live between The Bending Tower and Water Tribe - go to the Tribe Realm, to the Tribe of Starry Skies if your good, and to the Tribe of Endless Darkness. The Meerkat Clan don't think of any afterlife while alive, but when they die they go to the Plentiful Jungle Realm - all meerkats of the Meerkat Clan go to the Plentiful Jungle - where there are grubs as far as the eye can see. I lived in the Land of Yin and Yang for most of my days. We come here. To what we basically call, 'Land'. Otherwise known as the Land Realm."
"'Land'?" Misty echoed.
"There is no Yin and Yang here," Majaka pointed out. "So we take that part of the title out."
"Oh," Misty murmured.
"Anyway, since mostly Benders dominate the land below, the Bender Realm is the most powerful Realm of all. They're the only ones who can talk to the land-dwellers, which is why only they have a Father Stone that cuts off their power," Majaka explained.
"Then how are you talking to me?" Misty demanded.
"I can go to the Bender Realm, because I'm a Bender. But since I had ran away in my later days to the Land of Yin and Yang, I can come to Land. I happened to be in Land when the Peacebenders' power was cut off, so I was safe," Majaka said
Misty felt relief. "So you'll help me?"
"I have more important things to do, so I'm only talking to you this once," Majaka growled. "It won't be a walk through the field, trying to get to Yin and Yang. It'll take a while. And patience. You'll learn the way there during your journey."
"Why do I have to do this?" Misty asked.
"Because it's your destiny," Majaka replied, as if the answer was obvious.
"I can't choose?" Misty said.
"Of course not. Our destinies are written out before we're even born."
Curious, Misty asked, "and what happens if we don't fulfill our destinies?"
"Then we go to a horrible Realm," Majaka looked Misty in the eye. "They call it the Void."
"What does it look like?" Misty wondered.
"Not important," Majaka insisted. "There are rulers of each Realm, though...the Speaker rules the Void."
"So she didn't fulfill--?" Misty began.
"I'm assuming," Majaka muttered. "I've told you enough, now. Go back."

Misty woke up in the shaman's room, her head buzzing with information.
It was so much to take in.

Author's Note:
No comments on the last post. :/ I write for your FEEDBACK, people.


  1. Well if you want me to give feed back. maybe have some random animal instead of the first water bender or have his message be kinda weird like have him speaking but it flickers in and out like a broken light bulb beacuse hes from both sides just my idea.


Please, no rude comments, or that "magician" is going to return to set your house on fire. Again. Honestly, he has nothing better to do...