The Four Elements Of Bending Reviews: "The Four Elements Of Bending is a pawesome story blog. It's like a real book and is better than some I have read." -Elizabeth Orr

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Chapter 17: Dinner at The Bending Tower

In the yard, patrols were returning. Liberty, tail over her paws, scanned the area. Where's my sister's patrol? she thought. All the patrols had come back by now, but the patrol Campbell was on hadn't shown. Not that I care anyway. It's not like we're friends.
"No one has found Tiggerpaka?" called Ash.
"Nope," said Dell. "No hint of Tiggerpaka at all."
"We're waiting for one patrol to come back, and some others," reported Darner. "Some of us split up."
"I don't know where Bracken is," frowned Firefly. "He trailed off."
"Well, the others should be back soon. Probably still looking," Mkia pointed out.
"Any hints as to where Tiggerpaka may be?" Raoul asked.
Everyone exchanged looks but no one said anything.
"Alright then...everyone, get your dinner while we wait," Ash suggested.
Liberty made a beeline for the prey pile and went to grab a rabbit, but put her paw on it at the same time as someone else.
She looked up to see Ekaj had also grabbed the rabbit. Liberty gave him a look, then pulled the rabbit for herself.
"S-Sorry," Ekaj said.
"Hm," Liberty mumbled, taking the rabbit to her own spot in the corner. She looked at Ekaj, to see him grabbing a beaver laying in the pile and dragging it off for his brother Malroy, who was with Starlight. Starlight seemed to be talking eagerly, and Malroy was nodding every once in a while, seeming to be adding something every now and then.
Then, Starlight smiled and walked away, heading over for Liberty. "Hey Liberty," she greeted her.
"Hey," Liberty replied through a mouthful of rabbit.
"Malroy's pretty cool," Starlight commented.
"Meh," Liberty shrugged. Where's she going with this? Liberty wondered.
"Funny, too," Starlight observed, but Liberty noticed she had some sort of hope in her voice. Whatever that means, Liberty thought. "He was telling me a pretty neat joke--"
"Let's not talk about Malroy, we should discuss something more interesting," Liberty insisted.
Liberty couldn't help noticing Starlight looked a bit sad. "Oh, okay...what, then?"
"Well, the whole Tiggerpaka thing. What'd you think of that?" Liberty asked, biting into her rabbit.
"I think it's just something Tiggerpaka'd normally do. Get himself into trouble, have us get him out of it," Starlight shrugged.
Audrey then came over. "Hi," she said.
"Audrey! Hi!" Starlight exclaimed. "What were you doing?"
"Ah, nothing," Audrey murmured. "These earthquakes have been scary..."
"Well, we're still alive," Liberty grumbled flatly.
"B-But Dust and Campbell nearly died..." Audrey stammered, sounding nervous - which wasn't new for Audrey.
"And we're still here. I think we're fine," Liberty muttered.
"Speaking of which, where is your sister?" Starlight asked.
"I dunno. Probably still out there," Liberty shrugged.
"Are you scared she won't make it back?" Starlight said.
"Nope," Liberty shook her head.
"You two need to get along better. You're sisters," Starlight insisted.
"She doesn't like me, so I don't like her. That relationship suits me just fine," Liberty grumbled.
"I wonder where Lephos and Sidew are," Audrey murmured.
"Probably getting lost," Starlight giggled. "You know how they are."
"I don't think they like me that much," Audrey said.
"Oh, they're boys. You know how boys are, they're just dumb," Starlight snorted.
"Amen," Liberty muttered, biting into her rabbit once more.
Something seemed to be by the entrance, and Liberty looked up to see Crystal returned.
"Oh good, Mom's here," Starlight sighed with relief.
"You thought she got lost?" Liberty muttered. "Why?"
"Things have gotten strange around here," Starlight commented. "And I don't like it."
Suddenly, Nzuri darted into the entrance, panting. "Ash!" she gasped. "A-Ash..."
"Nzuri, you look like you ran from the Earth Kingdom and back," Streak observed.
"What is it?" Ash asked, looking concerned.
"It's...It's your daughters. And Campbell," Nzuri panted. "I...I saw something weird, th-these big two-legged creatures with no fur who had these sticks..."
"Cut to the chase, Nzuri," Rusty snorted.
"They captured Campbell, Misty and Adele!" Nzuri cried. "And took them away!"

Author's Note:
Delayed chapter, sorry D8 And kinda short. :/ Check out my other story - The Powered Ones - if you haven't already please. ouo


Please, no rude comments, or that "magician" is going to return to set your house on fire. Again. Honestly, he has nothing better to do...